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OTC birth control pills could further lower teen pregnancy rates.

From 1991 to 2019, the nationwide teen pregnancy rate dropped 73% among 15- to 19-year-olds. Experts believe the drop is due increased contraceptive use and delayed sexual activity in teens. [20] [123]

Teens may be more likely to use OTC birth control because taking the Pill is a daily routine and is not tied to the emotional pressure attached to sex the way using a condom is. [21]

Krishna Upadhya, physician, stated: “Decades of research show that a majority of adolescents initiate sex before the age of 18 and that earlier use of contraception reduces the risk of teen pregnancy. Our review strongly suggests that giving teens easier access to various contraceptives will not lead to more sex but would result in fewer unwanted pregnancies… [and] any future over-the-counter pill has the potential to benefit teens.” [21]

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